Orphaned and Vulnerable Children

The orphan and vulnerable children are those who are in need of care, those who have lost both parents and those who have one or two but they are vulnerable to any types of an abuse

In the OVC program we work with children from 0 to 17 years old focusing in the following four components.

  1. Healthy -to support the achievement of health outcomes such as healthcare, HIV care and support and child protection.
  2. Safe- prevent and mitigate violence, abuse, exploitation and neglect of children
  3. Stable -to reduce economic vulnerabilities and increase resilience in adolescent such as social grants, birth certificates
  4. Schooled- to overcome barriers in accessing education such as school support

Below are the steps that Is followed when working with OVC in assisting them with the identified needs

  1. The Community Care Worker identifies the households and children that fall within our program.
  2. The Care worker and the household participate in the completion of the care plan.
  3. The care plan form/tool will guide OVC on what form of intervention(s) are appreciated in addressing the needs of the household and the children.
  4. Services provided to the children and household should be based on the outcome identified during the completion of the interaction with the household.
  5. The care plan tool should be reviewed per quarter (three months’ intervals) by the Care worker and the household.

If some of our beneficiaries have needs that we are not providing on site, we refer them to other stakeholders that we work with and follow up to make sure they get the help they need.

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