To prevent child abuse and promote and protect the welfare of all children and child support systems in Mpumalanga.
To establish a culture of respect for all children’s rights as described in national legislation to ensure a safe and stable future for our children through committing ourselves to:
- Provide a counseling service to all children calling the toll free number, and assuring that the children in need of specific interventions get help
- Provide specific social work therapeutic counseling to children referred to Childline Mpumalanga.
- Engage with communities and stakeholders towards sustainable care and support for orphaned and vulnerable children and their support structures.
- Empowering children and child related stakeholders in Mpumalanga and advocating the plight of children through specific training.
- Monitor and evaluate the impact of our services and to report accordingly.
- Achieve sustainability though synergy of good corporate governance and high quality services.

Our philosopy is that the growing importance of skilled and motivated employees who are committed to the organisation is recognised strongly in Childline Mpumalanga’s strategic thinking….
“When the sun rises, we are up, when the sun sets, we are up- to listen to the young and the old, to give an ear to the troubled souls and provide soothing, calming and restoring words and helping hands.

Operate within the best interest of the child by:
- Providing child-centered services that takes cognizance of the rights of children and young people and preserve the family unit where possible.
- Ensuring children’s voices are heard in all our projects.
- Delivering efficient, effective, specialized, culturally sensitive, accessible and supportive social services.
- Remaining transparent.
- Remaining totally objective in all aspects of operations.
- Remaining accountable to children we serve, the social work profession, our partners and the Childline Team.
- Demonstrating respect for persons of all class, race, language, religious, cultural and sexual orientations.
- Maintaining open and direct communication.
- Developing efficient and effective organizational structures, policies and procedures that will enhance service delivery to all children.
- Working within a development model of social service delivery that respects the client’s right to confidentiality within the limitations of the child protection system.